When the brain is mush...

Proma Nautiyal

Can a tired mind really create good content?

You must have heard of the term writer’s block a ton of times. Those gruelling moments for any writer when they are trying to put the first word/concept or thought on to the blank piece of paper, only to let out an exasperated grunt, crumble the paper (or shut the laptop) and walk away from the table in disgrace after yet another failed attempt.

Even if you haven’t experienced this ever (hopefully), you must have seen this in a couple of movies, for sure.

As a writer/content creator, I can vouch for the fact that Writer’s Block indeed is real. But instead of harping on about it and how it has been glamourised by pop culture, I’d like to share one extremely important thing that every creator must try when they feel blocked: DETACH

Detach yourself from the situation. Detach yourself from what you are creating. Detach yourself from that desk, from that office. Detach yourself from the thought of needing to get it done.

The reason behind feeling blocked could be multiple. Stress, lack of sleep, relationship issues, health issues, a ton of stuff. Know that you can never really run out of inspiration. It’s just that you’re not in the right place to accept and embrace it because your mind is preoccupied with “other stuff.”

What you should do in such cases is stop adding more worry about the block to the already existing flurry of problems. Start with shedding one weight after another. A long nap, a walk out in the nature with your earphones playing a nice uplifting song (in only one ear so you can hear the car horns with your other if you live in the city), binge watch OTT, eat a fun meal, spoil yourself without a care in this world.

Remember, in that moment, there’s nothing else that matters. It’s just you.

Once you are feeling light and a tad bit happier, ask yourself if you’d like to return to the desk and give it another shot. ASK first. If you think you are ready, then go ahead, sit at your desk, close your eyes, take a deep breath and see yourself go at it.

This has always helped me. In fact, I sniff out a creative block around the corner and before it can appear, I do the needful to ensure it stays away. It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, a creator, a financial analyst, a lawyer, an engineer. This is a break that we all need. At the end of the day, we are humans, and our mini computers (brain) need that break.

Stay safe, stay inspired…



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