A little known fact about me

Proma Nautiyal

I bet you didn’t know this

I have been asked this question quite a few times in the past few weeks, “Why aren’t you hosting spaces?”

Given the fact I was very active in the Space circuit when Twitter initially launched it and have hosted ones that have seen right from 10 participants to 350+, I say that I have suffered a massive burnout of Spaces.

While talking in Spaces is one thing, hosting it is a different ballgame altogether.

It is difficult not to get overwhelmed by the sheer task of ensuring everyone gets a chance to speak and put across their thoughts while you deftly manage speaker requests and trolls who are up to no good.

I am sure that my fellow Space hosts will agree that while hosting a Space might seem like a task it’s definitely very rewarding.

However, this is not what I referred to in the subject line when I talked about a “little known fact about me.”

I don’t host Spaces quite so often especially at night, cause I am off to Wonderland or Oz whatever you call by 9 pm or max 10.

I wake up at 4:30 or 5 am, meditate, read a non fiction mostly spiritual, and start working by about 6:30 am.

The reason I am sharing it with you today, is to say it’s absolutely okay to choose you over everything else. Everything else can either wait and fade or blossom at the right time.

As for my Spaces, I am planning out a series of marketing spaces on a variety of topics that have culminated on a Notion spreadsheet, thanks to your recommendations on my tweet.

Watch out for the Space. Or should I say Spaces!

Until next time…



P.S. Join the DigiWitch Marketers’ Club on Discord if you like to skill up or talk about marketing cause it makes your heart feel happy and warm.

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